Monday, May 7, 2007

To Sum It All Up.....

It's amazing to look back at what has been covered these past few months. I'm so glad I had this opportunity and would DEFINITELY participate in any future discovery programs. I loved setting up the blog and have since done so for several others. Learning about the online applications & tools as well as the browser tools will continue to be a valuable resource. I also appreciated the opportunity to become familiar with SO many of the popular sites out there that are now a part of our everyday language (Flickr,, Facebook). I thought the ETG did a great job breaking down the activities and weekly themes as well as being completely approachable to any and all laymens questions.

Week#10 Gaming & Virtual Environments

Finally had a chance to get back to Week#10's activities...thanks to the several drop-in sessions (and Amanda's expertise). I've tried several of the arcade & puzzle type games. They are pretty much what has been out there for some time and I guess would be a way to pass the time. I also got a chance to explore the X-Men and MMORPG, and World of Warcraft sites...funny how corsets and breast plates are a common theme. Also had a chance to check out Second Life and it is bizarre! The technology and graphics are mind-blowing but personally I can't imagine spending too much time on it...maybe it takes a little longer to get hooked but my First Life is all consuming! Amanda did mention that once you get further into it you can experience some pretty interesting simulations which might be something worth looking into.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Week#11 Browser Tools

Okay, Okay...hold everything. I've skipped the Gaming Activities from Week#10 since I wanted to go to a drop-in session tomorrow and review some things about it so I decided to skip ahead and check out Week#11. I used to use Firefox for my browser a few years ago and decided to go back to IE. But as I'm purusing the Add-Ons, I come across Foxytunes and it is incredible!! Choose an artist and you get a page with video footage (from YouTube), lyrics from LyricWiki, Flickr photos, etc., etc. Plus a Pandora Radio link that will connect you with songs currently playing from your selected artist as well as similar ones. I've spent WAY to much time on this already and could see it becoming somewhat of a favourite.
The menu and toolbar with Web Developer is great. I don't recall using this before but having the options right there is amazing...will definitely have to use this browser some more to see if I should be switching back again.

Week#9 Online Social Networks

I'd have to say that Week#9 is probably my least favourite of Learning 2.0. What can I's just not my thing (as you can probably tell from the lack of info on my Facebook Profile). I've surfed Facebook and MySpace in the past and it is obviously popular and important to familiarize yourself with when working with students, but I much prefer YouTube which is an inexhaustible resource for any footage you care to (or care not to) watch.